Turkey Allows Divorce via Text Message

by admin on December 20, 2017


Islamic jurisprudence states that a man can divorce a woman by simply stating “talaq”. A recent religious opinion from Turkeys Directorate of Religious Affairs allows for divorcing your partner by announcing “talaq” through written methods including text message. It is harder for women to initiate the divorce and females are encouraged to make sure the husband had stated “talaq”.

Thailand differs in that both spouses must both agree for separation. This means that they no longer want to live together and want to divide assets but are not ready for divorce. Separation agreement lawyers in Thailand can help with managing joint finances and expenses for children.

The ruling has received plenty of backlash online, from feminist groups and journalists. Deputy Prime Minister Fikri Isik has tried to calm the situation down by advising the public to take the rulings of the Religious High Council in accordance to religious principles and not the constitution.

Progressive voices for gender equality in Turkey have spoken out that if the decree that men can divorce their wives with a mere text message, will make the country take a step backwards in terms of modern and egalitarian legal standards.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: 

The Divorce Code of Thailand

Muslim Law Allowing Men To Divorce Wives by Text Message

Image: Islamism

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