Couple Arrested for Having Sex in Public Posted Videos to PornHub

by admin on September 20, 2017

15128363523_a873f640d8_mAccording to the Smoking Gun, a married couple in Louisiana were recently arrested on obscenity charges after being caught having sex in a public library.

Rex and Elizabeth Jernigan have a habit of having intercourse in public places. They also performed sexual acts in a shopping mall, a Burger King and a Walmart. Each time, they filmed everything before posting the videos to their PornHub page, which contains a total of 160 videos and more than 4,000 subscribers.

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The pair were each charged with six counts of obscenity and released on bail. Upon release, Rex immediately took to PornHub, posting about what had happened. “To all my friends and followers, the wife and I just recently bailed out of jail for our public videos we posted on PornHub, hopefully soon we’ll get to post a new video”, he wrote.

Read the full story here.

Image: Michael Coghlan

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